qaul App Quickstart Guide

Install qaul software, select the language and start

For your user profile you only need to choose a user name. You are free to select any name with at least two characters, numbers or emoticons.

Choose the name wisely:

  • You can stay anonymous, but probably you would like to be recognised by your friends.
  • Your profile is defined with this user name, you can’t change the name without creating a new profile.

The screen you see now with the first tab is for public announcement. You can post messages, visible for everyone in the network.
Keep in mind: public messages go to everyone in the network. These messages are verified regarding to the sender, but as public announcements they are not confident or secured.

This is the user section. Here you find all the users in the network and also the groups, you are invited to or you joined already.
You can verify other users and secure the communication actively. By verifying the identity of other users you make sure that they are exactly who they’re claiming to be.

Chat messages are encrypted and only to read for your chat partner.
All your chat conversations and group chats are always end-to-end encrypted.

qaul allows you to see the Internet Independent Wireless Mesh Network. You see how you are connected with other users.